AHEPP Professional Standards
Certification in the field of Healthcare Emergency Management is important . This is a continued journey to advance the profession of healthcare emergency preparedness. We have worked as a team to create these resources and are proud to tell you about the methods and work we have done to move preparedness forward. We look forward to what this body of work will do as it grows and leads the field of healthcare emergency management and preparedness to new levels.

Methods of Professional Standards Development
The AHEPP Professional Standards were created by a team of healthcare emergency preparedness professionals that focused on the existing standards from a variety of resources. These standards were built to reflect the unique needs and concerns of healthcare emergency management.

Methods for Certification Development
The Certification Criteria and Questions were created and written by a team of AHEPP members with vast experience and knowledge in the field of healthcare emergency management.

Certification & Education Committee
A very dedicated team of AHEPP members worked tirelessly creating content, testing criteria and certification levels and test questions. We are forever in their debt for the time and effort they put into this work. Take a look at who those heros are!