Present at AHEPP Annual 2025
The Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals (AHEPP) Annual Planning Committee invites public health, health care, disaster relief, emergency management, and other planning and preparedness professionals nationwide to present their best practices, research findings, or other resources that support moving healthcare preparedness forward.
The AHEPP Annual Conference focuses on educating employees of hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, long term care, residential care, home health, hospice, group home, nursing home, intermediate care facilities, public health departments, and other healthcare settings and offers networking opportunities to build critical relationships with healthcare preparedness professionals across the globe.
The AHEPP Annual Planning Committee is seeking applications for the following sessions:
General Session
About the General Sessions
The general sessions are 40 minutes in length and facilitated in a presentation format with 10-15 minutes allotted for questions and answers at the end of the presentation.
General Session Topics
Business continuity
Communication (social media, methods, lessons learned)
Current research
Exercise design and facilitation
Hazard vulnerability assessment
Threat assessment
Leadership in disasters
Lessons learned/recent events
Policies and procedures
Training and testing
Pediatric preparedness
Biological, radiological or chemical preparedness
Behavioral health
Mass violence, targeted violence or workplace violence
Application Process
Applications are due July 31, 2024 (12:00 noon CST).
Applications may be submitted through this online form or you may email ahepp@ahepp.org for a manual form.
Presenters will be notified of acceptance by November 15, 2024.
Presenters, if accepted, must submit an electronic copy of all presentation materials by February 1, 2025.
Review Criteria
AHEPP Conference planners strive to engage attendees with interactive sessions and/or discussion and Q & A. Applications that describe how the presenter will engage the participants will be considered first.
Sales presentations will not be considered or reviewed. Opportunities for sponsored presentations will be announced soon.
Other Information
Only one presenter per session will receive a complimentary conference registration. Any additional presenters on a session will be responsible for their registration.
Primary presenters must register for the conference. Presenters will receive instructions from an AHEPP staff member following application selection. AHEPP reserves the right to cancel sessions where the primary presenter is NOT registered by January 15, 2025.
Co-presenters are required to pay full conference registration fees and must register by January 15, 2025 to be included in the program.
All presenters will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations and expenses.
Applications are now CLOSED
201 Workshop Session
About the 201 Sessions
The 201 sessions are 2-hours in length and facilitated in a workshop format to provide an interactive and engaging experience and enhance learning. Presentation applications are due July 31, 2024.
201 Session Topics
Business continuity
Communication (social media, methods, lessons learned)
Current research
Exercise design and facilitation
Hazard vulnerability assessment
Threat assessment
Leadership in disasters
Lessons learned/recent events
Policies and procedures
Training and testing
Pediatric preparedness
Biological, radiological or chemical preparedness
Behavioral health
Mass violence, targeted violence or workplace violence
201 Session Requirements
Applications will only be considered if the presenter submits additional documentation of a draft tool (e.g., template, methodology) or presentation with workshop instructions that describe the interactive activities the presenter(s) will facilitate.
Send additional documentation to ahansen@ahepp.org with reference to "201 submission" in the subject line and the presenter's name before the application deadline.
Review Criteria
AHEPP Conference planners strive to engage attendees with interactive sessions and/or discussion and Q & A. Applications that describe how the presenter will engage the participants will be considered first.
Sales presentations will not be considered or reviewed. Opportunities for sponsored presentations will be announced soon.
Other Information
Only one presenter per session will receive a complimentary conference registration. Any additional presenters on a session will be responsible for their registration.
Primary presenters must register for the conference. Presenters will receive instructions from an AHEPP staff member following application selection. AHEPP reserves the right to cancel sessions where the primary presenter is NOT registered by January 15, 2025.
Co-presenters are required to pay full conference registration fees and must register by January 15, 2025 to be included in the program.
All presenters will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations and expenses.
Applications are now CLOSED
Quick Hit Sessions
About the Quick Hit Sessions
AHEPP Quick Hit presentations are intended for healthcare emergency managers to share their own experiences and lessons learned during real events. These session will be a shared 50 minutes session in which each presenter will have 20 minutes to share their story, which will leave 10 minutes at the end for combined questions at the end of each session. We will do our best to pair similar or relative presentations together. Presentation applications are due July 31, 2024.
Quick Hit Session Topics
Lessons learned and experiences gained during responses to real events
Review Criteria
AHEPP Conference planners strive to engage attendees with interactive sessions and/or discussion and Q & A. Applications that describe how the presenter will engage the participants will be considered first.
Sales presentations will not be considered or reviewed. Opportunities for sponsored presentations will be announced soon.
Other Information
Accepted quick hit presenters will receive a discount for $200 off conference registration.
Primary presenters must register for the conference. Presenters will receive instructions from an AHEPP staff member following application selection. AHEPP reserves the right to cancel sessions where the primary presenter is NOT registered by January 15, 2025.
Only one (1) presenter will be accepted for each quick hit presentation. Multiple presenters for quick hit presentations will not be accepted.
All presenters will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations and expenses.
Applications are now CLOSED
Breakout Sessions
About the Breakout Sessions
The Breakout sessions will be 50 minute traditional presentation sessions. Basic level information should be the focus with topics that apply to multiple healthcare fields and professionals of different levels in their career. Presentation applications are due July 31, 2024.
Breakout Session Topics
Business continuity
Communication (social media, methods, lessons learned)
Current research
Exercise design and facilitation
Hazard vulnerability assessment
Threat assessment
Leadership in disasters
Lessons learned/recent events
Policies and procedures
Training and testing
Pediatric preparedness
Biological, radiological or chemical preparedness
Behavioral health
Mass violence, targeted violence or workplace violence
Review Criteria
AHEPP Conference planners strive to engage attendees with interactive sessions and/or discussion and Q & A. Applications that describe how the presenter will engage the participants will be considered first.
Sales presentations will not be considered or reviewed. Opportunities for sponsored presentations will be announced soon.
Other Information
Only one presenter per session will receive a complimentary conference registration. Any additional presenters on a session will be responsible for their registration.
Primary presenters must register for the conference. Presenters will receive instructions from an AHEPP staff member following application selection. AHEPP reserves the right to cancel sessions where the primary presenter is NOT registered by January 15, 2025.
Co-presenters are required to pay full conference registration fees and must register by January 15, 2025 to be included in the program.
All presenters will be responsible for their own travel, accommodations and expenses.