Keynote Speakers
Crisis Standards of Care and COVID-19 - What Have We Learned?

Emergency Physician
Hennepin Healthcare, Minneapolis
John Hick, MD
Dr. Hick is an emergency physician at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis, a Deputy EMS Medical Director and Medical Director for Emergency Preparedness with Hennepin, he also has served IOM/NAM on their Crisis Standards of Care committees and on their Forum for Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Disasters and Emergencies and is the lead editor for ASPR TRACIE
Eric Toner, MD
Senior Scholar, Senior Scientist
Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
Dr. Toner is a Senior Scholar with the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and a Senior Scientist in the Department of Environmental Health and Engineering at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He is an internist and emergency physician. His primary areas of interest are healthcare preparedness for catastrophic events, pandemic influenza, and medical response to bioterrorism. He is Managing Editor of the online newsletter Clinicians’ Biosecurity News and an Associate Editor of the journal Health Security, the leading peer-reviewed journal in this field.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Toner has authored numerous reports and journal articles including those describing hospital preparation approaches, estimating national personal protective equipment needs, and proposing an ethical framework for allocation of scarce COVID-19 vaccine. He has been interviewed frequently by major national and international news media.
Prior to the pandemic, Dr. Toner authored scores of scholarly papers and government reports on healthcare and pandemic preparedness, and he organized numerous meetings of national leaders on the topics of hospital preparedness, pandemic influenza, emerging infectious diseases, mass casualty disasters, biosecurity, and nuclear preparedness. He has spoken at many national and international conferences on a range of biosecurity topics and appeared on a number of high-profile national television and news features on pandemic flu and bioterrorism preparedness. He was the project director and principal designer of the influential pandemic exercises Clade X and Event 201 and has been the principal investigator of several US government-funded projects to assess and advance healthcare preparedness. Dr. Toner has served on a number of national working groups and committees.
Dr. Toner has been involved in hospital disaster planning since the mid-1980s. Prior to joining the Center, he was Medical Director of Disaster Preparedness at St. Joseph Medical Center in Towson, Maryland, where he practiced emergency medicine for 23 years. In 2003, he spearheaded the creation of a coalition of disaster preparedness personnel from the 5 Baltimore County hospitals, the health department, and the Office of Emergency Management. During this time, he also headed a large emergency medicine group practice and co-founded and managed a large primary care group practice and an independent urgent care center.

To be announced
COVID's on it way out. Good Riddance. Now what?

Ted Cieslak, MD, MPH
Executive Director of Health Security
University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)
A Pediatrician and Infectious Disease Physician, Dr. Ted Cieslak currently serves as Associate Director of UNMC’s Center for Biosecurity, Biopreparedness, and Emerging Infectious Diseases. He holds the rank of Associate Professor of Epidemiology within the University’s College of Public Health and also serves as Co-Director of the Nebraska Biocontainment Unit.
Dr. Cieslak is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA). He is board-certified in Pediatrics, Infectious Diseases, and Tropical Medicine. He is past president of the Armed Forces Infectious Disease Society (the military chapter of the IDSA), former Consultant to the Army Surgeon General on Biodefense, and former head of the US delegation to NATO’s Biomedical Advisory Council.
He recently retired from active duty after 30 years with the US Army, where his prominent assignments included: Chief of Operational Medicine at the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID; 1996-2001); Chairman of the San Antonio Military Pediatric Center (2001-2006); Defense Department Liaison to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC; 2006-2010) and Chief Consultant to the Surgeon General (2010-2013).
He has deployed three times: In 1994, he was the senior physician in the Cuban refugee camps established in Panama; in 2004, he served a tour in Iraq, where he provided medical care to the soldiers of the 3rd Brigade of the 1st Armored Division; in 2014, he served as the medical advisor to Central Command’s forward element in Jordan. Additionally, COL Cieslak has worked on Pediatric nutrition projects in Honduras and on the Hepatitis A vaccine trial in Thailand. He has published approximately 90 papers and book chapters, principally in the field of Biodefense. His other areas of interest include Public Health, Immunization, Travel Medicine, Humanitarian Pediatrics, Animal Bites, and Adoption Medicine.
To be announced
Holy Communion, Beer Pong, and Sex: My Experiences Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Terri Rebmann, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC
Special Assistant to the President
Director, Institute for Biosecurity
Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
College for Public Health & Social Justice
Saint Louis University
Dr. Terri Rebmann is the Special Assistant to the President at Saint Louis University. She is also Director of the Institute for Biosecurity, and a Professor of Epidemiology in the Saint Louis University College for Public Health & Social Justice. She is a PhD Nurse researcher with an emphasis in infectious disease emergency preparedness. In addition, she is board certified in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology and an APIC Fellow. In her current position as Special Assistant to the President, she is responsible for managing Saint Louis University’s COVID-19 response. As Director of the Institute for Biosecurity, she is responsible for managing all aspects of the Institute’s Certificate, MPH, and PhD academic programs, as well as teaching classes in the programs and conducting research. Her research areas of focus include healthcare and public health professional disaster preparedness, long-term use of respiratory protection, and addressing barriers to vaccine uptake. She publishes and lectures on bioterrorism, pandemic planning, emerging infectious diseases, and infection prevention practices on a national basis.
Dr. Rebmann has served on several national and international task forces and committees aimed at minimizing morbidity and mortality related to emerging infectious diseases and bioterrorism threats. Examples include being a member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and
Epidemiology (APIC) Ebola Task Force, a member of the APIC COVID-19 Task Force, and being a former member and Chair of the APIC Emergency Preparedness Committee. She has also assisted with COVID-19 response plans with the Chicago Department of Aviation, National Academy of Sciences, the City of Austin, and the City of Chelsea Public Schools (Chelsea, Massachusetts).
To be announced
Terri Rebmann, PhD, RN, CIC, FAPIC
Special Assistant to the President
Director, Institute for Biosecurity
Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
College for Public Health & Social Justice
Saint Louis University
Dr. Terri Rebmann is the Special Assistant to the President at Saint Louis University. She is also Director of the Institute for Biosecurity, and a Professor of Epidemiology in the Saint Louis University College for Public Health & Social Justice. She is a PhD Nurse researcher with an emphasis in infectious disease emergency preparedness. In addition, she is board certified in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology and an APIC Fellow. In her current position as Special Assistant to the President, she is responsible for managing Saint Louis University’s COVID-19 response. As Director of the Institute for Biosecurity, she is responsible for managing all aspects of the Institute’s Certificate, MPH, and PhD academic programs, as well as teaching classes in the programs and conducting research. Her research areas of focus include healthcare and public health professional disaster preparedness, long-term use of respiratory protection, and addressing barriers to vaccine uptake. She publishes and lectures on bioterrorism, pandemic planning, emerging infectious diseases, and infection prevention practices on a national basis.
Dr. Rebmann has served on several national and international task forces and committees aimed at minimizing morbidity and mortality related to emerging infectious diseases and bioterrorism threats. Examples include being a member of the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and
Epidemiology (APIC) Ebola Task Force, a member of the APIC COVID-19 Task Force, and being a former member and Chair of the APIC Emergency Preparedness Committee. She has also assisted with COVID-19 response plans with the Chicago Department of Aviation, National Academy of Sciences, the City of Austin, and the City of Chelsea Public Schools (Chelsea, Massachusetts).
Rethinking Preparedness- What COVID-19 has Taught Us About the Need for Integrated Resiliency
![Angela Devlen Headshot 2020 [2].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8c555c_c768449937d64b8c8b2c0d7eaf6c78e5~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_250,w_2279,h_2279/fill/w_130,h_130,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Angela%20Devlen%20Headshot%202020%20%5B2%5D.jpg)
Angela Devlen
Founder + CEO
Wakefield Brunswick
Angela has spent the past 25 years launching businesses and non-profits, building social enterprises in developing countries and responding to disasters. She currently operates Wakefield Brunswick, a healthcare consulting firm she founded in 2009. Angela has responded to nearly every major US disaster since 9/11 and currently advises the nation’s top healthcare organizations on risk and resiliency.
To be announced