2024 Conference Planning Committee

Kevin Arthur
Emergency Management Program Manager, Primary Children's Hospital
Kevin has 35 years of experience in healthcare as a hospital-based Paramedic and Emergency Management Program Manager. Mr. Arthur worked for 19 years in the Emergency Department at a 685 bed Level I Trauma Center. At the moment of 9/11 Mr. Arthur’s career began to be modified to develop an Emergency Management Department and Program for the flagship hospital of WellSpan Health in South-Central Pennsylvania.
For the past 10 years he has worked as the Emergency Management Program Manager at Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH), a 289-bed hospital and level I pediatric trauma center. As the Emergency Manager, he is responsible for public health and disaster emergency preparedness and response for the hospital, its affiliated clinics and for the PCH Children’s Health Complex. Kevin is responsible for all emergency management program design and development which includes: plan and procedure development, establishing and maintaining response assets, staff training for response to disaster situations and command cadre education and support.

Diane Dubinski
State Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator
Current Registered Nurse serving the State of Tennessee as the State Healthcare Preparedness Coordinator. In this role I am responsible for the coordination of emergency preparedness, response, and recovery standards within our State’s healthcare system. By providing consultation and oversight of the Hospital Preparedness Program and working with key stake holders such as Healthcare Coalitions, public health, emergency medical services, emergency management and Federal partners our health care systems have improved patient outcomes and provided safe environments for staff and visitors during emergency and disastrous events.

Anna Hansen
Program Coordinator, Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals
Omaha, Nebraska

Keith Hansen, MBA
Co-Director, Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals
Omaha, NE

Robert Perry MSN, RN, CEN
Director of Emergency Management & Dispatch, UNM Hospitals
He has over 20 years of nursing experience working in emergency departments of Level 1 Trauma and Academic Medical Centers. He is Certified Emergency Nurse and awardee of the 2016 New Mexico Nurse Excellence Award. Working in emergency nursing found his passion and dedication for disaster medicine and healthcare emergency management. He has coordinated educational courses and lectured locally, regionally, and nationally on various topics in disaster medicine and emergency management. He is the current Chairman of the Board for the Albuquerque Regional Coalition on Healthcare Preparedness 501C3 (ARCH-P 501C3) which is the fiduciary for the healthcare coalitions of the State of New Mexico. As a member of the disaster medical assistance team and local medical reserve corp he has been deployed to the several disasters and events to provide medical care. He has served as a content expert and item writer to develop a new national certification exam in healthcare disaster management with the American Nursing Credentialing Center and holds a Degree of Master’s Science in Nursing with a concentration in Nursing Education.

Dave Reddick
Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder, Bio-Defense Network
David Reddick is Chief Strategy Officer and Co-Founder of Bio-Defense Network, a nationwide public health preparedness consulting company with offices in Kirkwood, Mo and Phoenix, Az.

Rebekah Hoffner Reynosa, MS, CEM, MEP, CHEC-III
Emergency Management Coordinator, Intermountain Health, Primary Children's Hospital
Emergency Management Coordinator, Intermountain Health, Primary Children's Hospital
Rebekah grew up in central Pennsylvania and attended The Pennsylvania State University, majoring in both Biology and Earth Science. After graduating from Penn State, Bekah received her Master of Science in Disaster Medicine and Management from Philadelphia University (now Jefferson University).While working on her master’s degree, Bekah taught high school math and science at a small, private school, and interned at Dauphin County Emergency Management Agency in Harrisburg, PA. Additionally, she has been a certified EMT-B for over 6 years.
After obtaining her master’s degree, Bekah worked for a private consulting firm in Pennsylvania, where she was involved in the development and implementation of large county and state public health preparedness projects and healthcare coalition building in PA, DE, WV, MD, and NJ. Moreover, she has experience with county and state-level plan development and multiagency exercise coordination. In 2017, Bekah moved to Utah to become the Emergency Management Coordinator at Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital. Bekah is a Certified Healthcare Emergency Coordinator (CHEC-II), and has spoken at numerous conferences across the country regarding pediatric emergency preparedness and reunification.

Kristine Sanger, BS, MT (ASCP)
Co - Director, Association of Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Professionals
Omaha, Nebraska

Craig Tower, PhD
Emergency Planner
Office of Emergency Management, Johns Hopkins Hospital

Jane Wade, BSHS, RMA, EM-PDS
Emergency Preparedness Manager
Wellstar Medical Group
Jane has 26 years of experience in healthcare. Over the years, she has coordinated and managed many patients and staff safety-focused initiatives with her expertise in site assessments, training, standardization, and process improvement. In her current role, she oversees the Emergency Preparedness and EOC programs and processes for all 300+ Wellstar Medical Group practices and five Health Parks.
In 2011, Jane graduated from Kennesaw State University with a Bachelor of Science in Human Service with a concentration in case management. She’s also been an instructor for Community and Professional Education—Healthcare at KSU since 2017.