Risk Assessment
Communication (social media, methods, lessons learned)
Exercise Design and Conduct
Business Continuity
Leadership in Disasters
Lessons Learned/Recent Events
Poster Guidelines
Submit application (at link below) by January 15, 2023.
Posters are required to use the streamlined format found in the template​​​​.
​Learn more about the streamlined format: Video
​​Download AHEPP Annual Poster Template Instructions
Download AHEPP Virtual Poster Template Sample
General Information
Poster abstract presenters must register for the conference.
Be sure to list your contact information clearly on your poster for questions to be directed to.
Judging Criteria
First Impression
​Visual impact
Objectives & Conclusions
Significance of the project
Objective and conclusions are clearly stated and have been accomplished
Methods & Results
Explanation of the process
Tables and images are labeled and understandable
Presenter’s understanding of the topic
Presentation and delivery
Posters will be judged by Day 1 of the conference by the poster judging committee. One award will be selected for the research category, one award will be selected for the practice category, for a total of 2 awards.
Research Category
1st Place: 1 year free AHEPP membership
Practice Category
1st Place: 1 year free AHEPP membership
NOTE: Posters that are not in the required format will not be eligible for prizes during AHEPP Annual 2023.